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New Welder

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Watch on Facebook marketplace or Craigslist for good used brand name unit. Bonus if they come with accessories such as cart, tank, regulator, wire, etc which can save good bit of coin.

My welder is an older HTP brand, model MAXIMIG. Built like a tank, weight at least 200lbs, take two guys to lift it. If I remember correctly I paid like $700 for it OTD, full gas tank, regulator, nozzles, contact tips, some 10lb spools of wire, etc. circa 2009 directly from HTP company owner/president.

Go as big as you can! Avoid 120v MIG, they’re useless except for sheet metal welding. Dual 120v/240v machines OK and can come in handy sometime though!

Well, glad I asked for advice because apparently I'm incapable of following it. I was at HF for some socket organizers and decided to at least take a look at it. On the rack behind it they had replacement everything other than drive wheels. The machine looked and felt pretty solid, definitely not in the same category as their old black case welders. I'm not certain I can say its in the same league as miller or lincoln, but I'm willing to be for my purpose it will work. With the one year guarantee, I went ahead and bought it. Please forgive me

Worse that happens is I take it back within a year.

Was able to finally get it all hooked up and give it a test. So far... I'm in love. Granted, I'm coming from that shitty 90A flux core shenanigans they sell so ANYTHING would be better.


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