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TFT The not white unibody

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Until you break a 30 you don't know what they can't handle...

that's a 10.5" ring gear 14 bolt out of a gas truck...right?

When I was searching for that axle (which there aren't a lot available reasonable), I found a lot of duramax ones with the non removable pinion support which have a 11.5" ring gear, they don't have as much aftermarket support as the 10.5" ring gear stuff.


--- Quote from: rejeep on October 05, 2016, 07:29:16 AM ---Until you break a 30 you don't know what they can't handle...

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I've broken an 8.25 shaft, really don't want to deal with that 3 hour mess on the trail again, I'd rather just do what I'm going to do in the future anyway.

Yes, it's a 10.5, same as is under my 6.0 3/4 ton

this is deff the wrong crowd for pimping stock axles, but with stock power and daily driver tires a 30 will last.. (directly associated with driver intelligence.. like everything)

when my Jeeps saw more trail than garage miles, it was never a D30 that slowed down the group.
I think they get a bad wrap for no reason..

but i love a good axle build :)


--- Quote from: rejeep on October 05, 2016, 08:49:56 AM ---daily driver tires

--- End quote ---

key point.

they will last incredibly well on 35s (Keith) and a little while on 37s (MikeO) too. but once you're wanting 37s or 38s: it's time.


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